
What Guys Think Of Girls Without Makeup

What Christian Guys Think of Makeup

Yous loved "What Christian Guys Call back of Flirting" so much I idea I'd poll my guy friends on another girly topic: makeup. (Y'all might be surprised by their take on the discipline!)

"I don't take a trouble with makeup, only I think it should exist used tastefully. Light makeup is usually the best."

"No makeup: totally ok.
Some makeup: totally ok (personal preference).
Tons of makeup: tacky.

"Girls shouldn't approach makeup with the thought of trying to add something to their physical appearance for the sole purpose of being more physically attractive.

"The greater focus when information technology comes to thinking about concrete advent and attractiveness should not be on the external, merely on the internal and spiritual (ane Pet. 3:1-5). That said, I think it is totally possible for a girl to article of clothing makeup while not unduly craving a more attractive physical advent."
—Trevor Thou.

"I've known many girls who have become super self-obsessed when it comes to makeup. At that point, they're not really doing it to bless others but probably more than from pride or fear.

"I like it when girls article of clothing makeup. I call back it shows they take intendance of themselves. It can be over the top, though, and when it gets likewise excessive it's more than of a turn-off for me.
—Trevor J.

"Honestly, and maybe surprisingly, I don't actually think makeup is a big effect. However, I call up makeup utilize tin reveal middle issues very easily, so we can tend to phone call makeup the problem, instead of addressing the deeper issues like:

i) Someone always has to feel similar they 'look expert,' or they stress out.
2) They talk a lot about how they await bad when they don't take time to put makeup on.
3) I of their main concerns is how they and others look, not who they are, and much of their conversation revolves around those two things.

"When I run into these things—along with a lot of makeup—the girl is usually dealing with a lot of insecurity. I will usually non spend much time with these girls, because of the chance that they volition try to find security in me.

"If their makeup use shows that they are not content with the way that God made them, I believe that they don't really know that God loves them for who they are. Therefore, they won't believe that other people beloved them for who they are.

"Makeup, done for the correct purpose, looks cracking! Nevertheless, makeup will never comprehend up insecurity or bad character. I wish girls knew how bonny God made them to be to us! Godly girls are cute within and out! So . . . trust that God and others will love you for who you are and not how you await. And then utilize notwithstanding much makeup y'all want to.

"The root issue is where we (guys included) are finding our identity and worth. If we are finding these in our appearance or in our acceptance by the opposite gender rather than in Christ, we cannot manage our appearances correctly. (Snap! I but preached a sermon to myself.)

"If the heart is in the correct place, makeup is more of a preference thing. Some girls await crawly without makeup. Some look awesome with it. Personally, I think a lot of girls overdo it; I tend to remember simpler is meliorate. But that's just my personal preference."

"Inward beauty is much more important than outward beauty (1 Pet. 3:iv). That being said, I like it when girls take care of themselves. I like it when girls use makeup to enhance their natural beauty. In my stance, if a girl does her makeup right, I shouldn't detect information technology. The makeup won't exist distracting. Ultimately, it's not about the makeup. It'southward nigh your heart. If your focus is first on pleasing Jesus, and then you want to wear makeup, then swell, become wear makeup."

I promise you found their thoughts helpful! I'm curious: are you a no-makeup, some makeup, or tons of makeup kind of girl? What makeup are you lot certain to utilize before you leave the house?

HEY, GIRLS! We honey hearing from yous, but feel limited in the ways nosotros tin can help. For one thing, nosotros're not trained counselors. If y'all're seeking counsel, we encourage you lot to talk to your pastor or a godly woman in your life as they'll know more details and tin provide you lot with ongoing accountability and help. Too, the post-obit comments exercise non necessarily reverberate the views of Revive Our Hearts. We reserve the correct to remove comments which might be unhelpful, unsuitable, or inappropriate. We may edit or remove your comment if it:

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What Guys Think Of Girls Without Makeup,


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