
How To Get Money For Investment Property

Buy Positive Cashflow + High Growth Property

We Help People Achieve PASSIVE INCOME Through Property Investing Using Our System To Buy Top 5% Growth & Positive Cashflow Property and Build A Portfolio

WITHOUT wasting months doing "research", spending weekends at inspections OR dropping $10-20k on Buyers Agents each time

It's a self-paced course, with lifetime support, called the Property Investment Accelerator where we find your exact growth suburb and property together using DATA – anywhere across Australia

Find Properties That Have BOTH Positive Cashflow And Very High Growth

Don't buy one Positive Cashflow property for every Growth property. Each property should give BOTH

Access Rare Unlisted Properties Supposedly Only Available To Property Buyers Agents

Find Off-Market properties without any competition to buy Under Market Value

Become Your Own "Buyers Agent" And Outperform Property Buyers Agents

Never take a gamble with a "spruiker" or property agent again. Become self sufficient to grow your portfolio

Are you confused and overwhelmed by the amount of contradictory information available online? It seems everyone has an "agenda" and not sure who to trust?

Are you the only one in your friends and family who wants to seriously build wealth through property investing and need support, guidance and the right team?

Are you nervous, risk averse and can't afford to make a mistake? Do you lack confidence and knowledge to guarantee success and are fearful of doing the wrong thing?

Are you sick of all the webinars, seminars and "master-classes" and don't want to be "sold" a cookie cutter strategy, or be "sold" a property?

Do you want to accelerate your journey to Passive Income and don't have time to learn by trial and error? Do you value DATA above all else and want to get to your Passive Income goals as fast as possible?

Do you want to invest inter-state or in another town / city but have little idea where to buy and what to buy?

Have you seen all the property advertisements on Facebook / YouTube, already had a "free consultation" with all the "experts" and just want honesty and authenticity?

35 Factors In Less Than 4 Hours

  • This is the heart of the course where we teach you the 35 factors, both quantitative and qualitative, that drive growth and passive income.
  • We teach you their respective weightings, their thresholds by which we know the factors are performing strongly, their trend analysis to be able to "time" the market, the data sources and exactly how to interpret the data. Without needing to be a statistician!

Proof It Works

  • This system is self-proving and in less than 4 hours can be applied retrospectively and predictively to understand why suburbs boomed in the past, and which suburbs will increase most in the short and long term future, while also being positive cashflow
  • This system has consistently predicted significant short and long term growth, without the need for opinion or conjecture, even ours!

We're not normal. This is a unique service that has helped over 600 investors take a different approach to their investing

This is how we are different from other Courses

Helps you implement rational data-led strategies and methods

Tells you to follow outdated high level approaches, e.g. "population growth", "infrastructure", "proximity to CBD", "closeness to amenities" etc

Helps you understand theory but more importantly the practical implementation to get results

Only teaches "surface level" information, and does not teach what data to get, where to get data, how to interpret, how to execute. People left feeling overwhelmed and confused

One-off fee of $5,997. No upsell

Total cost ends up being $10k-$20k after all the necessary upsells

Completely independent with no "kick-backs" from developers

Property investment company sells a $3k course which gives surface level information and is the "gateway" to a "house & land package" sold by an affiliated development company

Helps you understand and master property strategy objectively, without bias

Teaches to invest for "tax benefits" alone, without exposing that if you sell the property you need to pay the depreciation back to the ATO

Helps you create a 6-figure passive income in 5-25 years time, depending on individual circumstances

Teaches impractical "retire rich quickly" strategies without actual case studies

Lifetime support and hand-holding from PK & team through multiple channels

No personal support or people off-loaded to ametuer "coaches" with little investing experience

Helps you implement rational data-led strategies and methods

Tells you to follow outdated high level approaches, e.g. "population growth", "infrastructure", "proximity to CBD", "closeness to amenities" etc

Helps you understand theory but more importantly the practical implementation to get results

Only teaches "surface level" information, and does not teach what data to get, where to get data, how to interpret, how to execute. People left feeling overwhelmed and confused

One-off fee of $5,997. No upsell

Total cost ends up being $10k-$20k after all the necessary upsells

Completely independent with no "kick-backs" from developers

Property investment company sells a $3k course which gives surface level information and is the "gateway" to a "house & land package" sold by an affiliated development company

Helps you understand and master property strategy objectively, without bias

Teaches to invest for "tax benefits" alone, without exposing that if you sell the property you need to pay the depreciation back to the ATO

Helps you create a 6-figure passive income in 5-25 years time, depending on individual circumstances

Teaches impractical "retire rich quickly" strategies without actual case studies

Lifetime support and hand-holding from PK & team through multiple channels

No personal support or people off-loaded to ametuer "coaches" with little investing experience

This is how we are different from Property Buyers Agents, Buyers Advocates, Investment Consultants & Investment Property Agents

Teaches you "how to fish", and then helps you "find fish" so you can become self-sufficient and self-reliant

Gives you a "fish", and makes you reliant on repeat services to grow a portfolio

Helps you buy Capital Growth PLUS Positive Cashflow Property

Only allows you to buy "close to the CBD" for growth, OR, low growth Positive Cashflow property

Helps you find the the best suburb and property anywhere across Australia

Limited to a specific geography due to an over reliance on "touch and feel" rather than data

Helps take you from zero skills and experience to 100% confidence and expertise

Falsely preaches property investing is "rocket science" and full time "experts" are required for good results

Client takes responsibility and accountability for financial future into own hands

Client outsources responsibility and accountability and hopes for the best

Takes 3-5 hours a week to buy a property in 1-2 months

Takes 1-2 hour a week over 1-3 months to manage Buyers Agent

Total cost of $5,997 is less than half a typical Buyers Agent fee, and enables you to buy unlimited high performing properties

Cost is $10k-$20k per property and total cost is $50k-$100k over a portfolio. OR is "free", and sells-off-the-plan stock secretly getting paid by the developer

Helps you develop a personalised long term strategy blueprint and "game-plan" for financial independence

Ignores long term strategy and focusses on selling you a property

Helps you negotiate the very best price, ideally under market value

Needs to maintain relationships with selling agents to buy more properties so avoids negotiating too hard

Gives you optional team of mortgage broker, conveyancer, accountant, quantity surveyor, and property managers nationally

Gives you team but doesn't disclose hidden agreements and lack of independence between parties

Allows you to buy inter-state and become a borderless investor through the right connections nationally, without wasting weekends at inspections and flying around the country

Allows you to buy inter-state, BUT often outsources due diligence and receives commissions from local property managers etc

Allows you to find rare off-market, pre-market, & silent listings through low effort strategies and connections

Mostly finds properties on or and emails you links which you could find yourself after suburb selection

Teaches you "how to fish", and then helps you "find fish" so you can become self-sufficient and self-reliant

Gives you a "fish", and makes you reliant on repeat services to grow a portfolio

Helps you buy Capital Growth PLUS Positive Cashflow Property

Only allows you to buy "close to the CBD" for growth, OR, low growth Positive Cashflow property

Helps you find the the best suburb and property anywhere across Australia

Limited to a specific geography due to an over reliance on "touch and feel" rather than data

Helps take you from zero skills and experience to 100% confidence and expertise

Falsely preaches property investing is "rocket science" and full time "experts" are required for good results

Client takes responsibility and accountability for financial future into own hands

Client outsources responsibility and accountability and hopes for the best

Takes 3-5 hours a week to buy a property in 1-2 months

Takes 1-2 hour a week over 1-3 months to manage Buyers Agent

Total cost of $5,997 is less than half a typical Buyers Agent fee, and enables you to buy unlimited high performing properties

Cost is $10k-$20k per property and total cost is $50k-$100k over a portfolio. OR is "free", and sells-off-the-plan stock secretly getting paid by the developer

Helps you develop a personalised long term strategy blueprint and "game-plan" for financial independence

Ignores long term strategy and focusses on selling you a property

Helps you negotiate the very best price, ideally under market value

Needs to maintain relationships with selling agents to buy more properties so avoids negotiating too hard

Gives you optional team of mortgage broker, conveyancer, accountant, quantity surveyor, and property managers nationally

Gives you team but doesn't disclose hidden agreements and lack of independence between parties

Allows you to buy inter-state and become a borderless investor through the right connections nationally, without wasting weekends at inspections and flying around the country

Allows you to buy inter-state, BUT often outsources due diligence and receives commissions from local property managers etc

Allows you to find rare off-market, pre-market, & silent listings through low effort strategies and connections

Mostly finds properties on or and emails you links which you could find yourself after suburb selection

Our Area Of Expertise Is Helping Busy People Achieve PASSIVE INCOME Through Property Investing Using Our System To Buy "Top 5% GROWTH And POSITIVE CASHFLOW Property" And Build A Portfolio. Because That's Really What You Need In This Day And Age With Bank Lending Restrictions - The Combination Of Short Term Growth and Positive Cashflow!

This allows you to make money in FOUR WAYS from each property!

Short & Long Term Capital Growth

Buying Under Market Value

Option To Manufacture Equity Through Renovation

Positive Cashflow

Short & Long Term Capital Growth

Buying Under Market Value

Option To Manufacture Equity Through Renovation

Positive Cashflow

How To Get Money For Investment Property


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